The Day 2 Diary has been written by Gavin Pensini, member of the WA Men’s Youth Eight
5:30 am
Woke up from a deep sleep and laughed at the thought of everyone else getting up and getting into the vans to head to the race. I didn’t have any races on, so Joe told me to take the morning off which meant I wasn’t required to go to the course, so I went back to sleep.
8:30 am
Finally got out of bed and had my usual 5 Weat Bix for breakfast.
9:00 am
After a bit of procrastination, I attempted to start a bit of uni work. After an hour of uni work, I moved into 20-30 mins of stretching (it’s important to stay loose on days off). I kept this up until lunch.
9:35 am
Ruan Greyling and Robbie Packer (from WARC) were racing their repechage so I watched the live results on the Regatta Central website. They placed 4th, which earned them a place in the semi-final
11:30 am
Hannah Wilding (UWABC) and Kira Vermeersch (WARC) raced their heat and placed 1st, earning them a spot in the A final!!!

Hannah Wilding (UWABC) and Kira Vermeersch (WARC). Photo Rene Greyling
3:00 pm
After a tiresome day of uni work, a nap was needed to ensure maximum amount of energy conserved for the semi-final tomorrow morning.
5:00 pm
My parents and extended family from Texas USA came over to the apartments to say hi. They had all flown to Sydney to watch Fraser and I race the U21 pair and U23 four.
6:00 pm
Getting sick and tired of India’s constant banter and trolling 🙁
8:00 pm
Team meeting to discuss tomorrows pick up times and race plans. Then sleep 🙂