Everything you wanted to know about the club but were afraid to ask…

Do I need to be a current UWA student to be a member?

No! Our members are from across the community from ages 13 – 80.

We also have members across all ages who have never rowed before all the way up to rowing for the Australian team at the Olympics/World Championships. Whatever your interest, we have a squad for you!

I just want to row and skip boat maintenance. Can I?

UWA Boat Club is by and for our members. We teach our new members, even those who have never used a spanner before, how to look after their rowing equipment – and have fun in crews along the way. If you want someone else to do this for you, we recommend you join another rowing club: https://www.rowingwa.asn.au/contact-us/rowing-club-contacts/

What do I need to wear for racing?

All members must wear a UWABC racing zootie when representing the club at regattas available here. Rowing involves strict uniform standards:

  • If you are wearing a hat, the hat must be same colour and style as everyone else in the boat. However, you do not have to wear a hat.
  • If you are wearing an undershirt, the undershirt must be same colour as everyone else in the boat. However, you do not have to wear an undershirt. The undershirt can be either long-sleeved, short-sleeved, or a mixture of both.
  • Socks are not subject to uniform standard, however, all members must wear socks at all times in the boat (whether racing or training).
  • Coxswains are not subject to the above policies and may dress at their discretion.

How do you decide who uses which boats?

The captain and vice captains determine who uses particular boats throughout the year in conjunction with the boat usage policy, boat buying plan, and overall club goals. Usage is at their collective discretion.

Can I park my car at the shed during the day?

Only in limited circumstances, specifically, if you are performing maintenance, training, or performing boat club business. You require a parking permit from the Water Sports Complex, or you will receive a fine. For further information, please refer to this page on parking at the shed.

What is a sign in – sign out book?

The sign in-sign out book is being implemented in 2018 to track boat usage. This will help future boat buying plans to allocate club resources in the maintenance and acquisition of boats. It will also assist defect tracking. Please speak to the Captain, Vice-Captains or Boat Maintenance Officer for further information.

Where do I row on the river?

The boat club is not the only user of the river at any time of day (including for morning sessions). As such, the following map is designed for easy understanding of where every boat needs to be (depending on direction) at all times on the water. These routes are critical to prevent collisions with other rowers from both our club, and nearby clubs.

Link to the River Rules

When rowing on the river it’s really important that you know where you are supposed to be. Don’t just rely on your coaches or coxswains. If you have any questions or this makes no sense, please ask the captain, vice-captains, or your coach.

What is the boat buying plan?

The boat buying plan is updated every five years, where the club analyses the fleet and chooses which boats to purchase over the following five years, depending on current and forecasted use. This is decided together with fundraising initiatives and has resulted in the purchase of the Huston, Glorie, Paton, Myler in recent years.

How do I get an access card to the shed?

Get in contact with the Director of Administration, admin [at] uwarowing.org.au. Applications are determined on a case-by-case basis and access is typically reserved for committee members, elite athletes, coaches, and squad coordinators.

Can I vote at general meetings?

Only fully paid racing members can cast valid votes at general meetings, the most important being the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in October each year.

Can I row (and pay fees) pro-rata?

Memberships are not pro-rata and must be paid upfront at the beginning of each season. However, for those who require financial assistance, a payment plan is available, however, paying via installments is not an offer of partial membership. The only exception, as we are a student club, is to UWA exchange students, who are only in Perth for one semester. For further information, please see the Fees & Membership page for more information.