Written by Kate Fortina. Edited by Jeremy Gillbanks.

Allow time before races

Make sure your crew sets a meeting time (~30 mins before the race) to get your crew and boat ready and up to the start line.

Bow numbers

Every crew needs a bow number for identification during the race. Have one crew member (usually coxswain or stroke) pick up your bow number for the race. Not sure where to find them? Ask your Vice Captains.

Foot ties

Make sure all feet are tied down properly to the foot plate before a race – this allows you to quickly take your feet out in an emergency. These are to be less than 7 cm in length. You will not be allowed to race if an umpire sees they are not tied down.

Substitutions, scratching and fines

  • Scratching (dropping out of a race) after the Monday morning (8 am) before a regatta typically incurs the race fees, but not the fine.
  • Substituting up to 30 mintues before the race is free.
  • Scratching or substituting less than 30 minutes before a race will incur a fine.
  • Scratching or substituting without informing Rowing WA will incur a larger fine.
  • Crew members can not be substituted between heats and finals. This does not apply to coxswains.

For more information about fines, please read this document from Rowing WA.

Things to bring to a regatta

  • Zootie
  • Water bottle
  • T-shirt
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Socks
  • LOTS of food. (Baked goods if you’re looking to make an extraordinary number of friends).
  • Towel
  • 10 mm Spanner
  • Thongs/UGG boots or shoes

Regatta Day Structure

  1. Boat loading – arrive at the shed when told and load boats onto trailer
  2. Getting to the regatta – drive/catch a lift to Champion Lakes
  3. Rigging – unload and rig boats
  4. Racing – complete required races
  5. Re-loading/unpacking – de-rig and reload onto trailer and then unload when back at shed

    Boat Checks

    Check for the following before and after going out:

    • Holes or fractures
    • Straight fin and proper steering (if fitted)
    • Secure riggers (i.e. not loose)
    • Secure feet
    • Tied down shoes (less than 7 cm)
    • Wear holes around base of feet
    • Foot stretcher length (to change → loosen and lift up gently to move to where you want, making sure to remove your feet when doing this)

    *Please report if there is anything wrong with a boat here